Home/Performances/Atte Herd: Asetelmia

Tanssivirtaa Tampereella Atte Herd: Asetelmia

Asetelmia is an abstract contemporary dance piece for three dancers. The starting point is in social composition and the wish to produce at least one layout pleasing to the eye.

Imagine there is an empty space. The number of opportunities is endless. Asetelmia is a physical and interactional invitation to study the empty space and create there some energy as well as change it.

Asetelmia is an abstract contemporary dance piece for three dancers. The starting point is in social composition and the wish to produce at least one layout pleasing to the eye. The choreographer’s work is to study the space and its rhythm, structure and energy, in order to get the performers arranged into an image pleasing to the choreographer’s eye. The number of possibilities seems endless and eventually the space itself begins to shape events. The space is framed by powerful graphic lighting. The subdued and at the same time explosive atmosphere is a work of visual art full of life and movement.

“Three dancers on stage, satisfactorily placed in the space. It seems impossible.” –Atte Herd.

Choreography Atte Herd
Dancers Laura Kallas-Herd, Helmi Järvensivu, Jasmin Laaksoharju
Sound design Jukka Nurmela
Costume design Jaana Isokangas
Set and light design Jukka Laukkanen
Production Tanssiteatteri Rimpparemmi
Pictures Antti Kurola

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Tanssivirtaa Tampereella