Home/Performances/Kahrola & Ojapalo: Egosphere | Touhunen: Kaikuja

Kahrola & Ojapalo: Egosphere | Touhunen: Kaikuja

In November Finlaysosn’s Vooninki is filled up with two dance works. With a cross-disciplinary touch, a warm and humorous place is offered to rest in the middle of polar night.


Egosphere is a fun and tragic dance performance interwoven from two solos. In this work the theme of ego takes the kinespheric power of two people on stage. Or are they different aspects of one and the same person? Who is speaking in me and what kind of voice does that side produce? What happens when humanity expands or deflates?

The genre of the piece moves between dance and performance art and dance theater. Egosphere includes spoken text in Finnish. Understanding the text does not significantly affect following the performance.


The theme of the work wraps around rambling, change and space relations. The whole process consists of a photo project, spoken word and literary art in Finnish as well as dance.


Tickets: 15 / 10 €, flexible pricing
Ticket reservations: , in the message write “your name, which show your attending, how many tickets you want to reserve”

Vooninki is an accessible space.

Funding and support: Arts Promotion Centre Finland | City of Tampere, Culture and Leisure | Pirkanmaa Dance Center | Dance Theatre MD
Thank you: Varma, Minna Männistö


Concept, performing and production: Hanna Kahrola and Nelli Ojapalo
Technician in the performances: Elina Nopanen


Concept and dancer: Tuuti Touhunen
Live music: Anna Pesonen