Home/Performances/Ritni Ráste Pieski: Girjái

URB 24 festival Ritni Ráste Pieski: Girjái

Girjái is a radical decolonial queer utopia: a communal performative gathering organized in a lávvu.

Girjái dives into a world where the wisdom of the ancestors leads forward, establishing a connection with the present moment and the future. The performance consists of yoik, dance, stories, music, alter-egos and joint dreaming. Girjái invites you to dream – the performance is dedicated especially to rainbow Sámi and BIPOC queers of all ages, for the past, present and future. Finnish, English and Sami is used in the performance.

We are still here – and we are still queer.

Tickets: 15 / 12 € + small quota of PWYC-tickets available at the door before the performance

URB 24 festival presents urban art and culture in Helsinki. The festival days are 3 – 9 June, 2024.

Ritni Ráste Pieski, Biret-Iŋgá Pieski, Pessi Jouste, Aju Jurvanen, Helmi Hagelin and Kai Mikkel Balto