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Moving houseplants and a ghost seeking escape – New exhibition fuses visual art and magic

Kalle Nio, Trick Brain, 2017, still from short film

Magic! – the new exhibition in Art and Museum Centre Sinkka (Kerava, Finland) makes visitors question their eyes and wonder if they are witnessing something magical. The exhibition is curated by Kalle Nio, co-founder of performing arts group WHS.

The exhibition Magic! focuses on the intersections of visual arts and magic and offers the visitors a glimpse of magicians’ secrets. Eighteen magicians and visual artists have filled the museum with, for example, mechanical magic machines, curiously moving houseplants and a ghost seeking escape. In addition, the exhibition takes a look at the shared history of film and magic. Featured are works by Finnish and international artists, including the magicians Etienne Saglio and Tobias Dostal.

The curator of the exhibition is magician and stage director Kalle Nio, whose artistic work combines elements of magic, visual arts, cinema, circus and theatre. Nio is a founding member of the internationally renowned performing arts group WHS.

Experimental live magic performances by Nio, Miika Peltonen and Luis Sartori do Vale will take place in the exhibition on weekends. The exhibition is on display on 9.9.2023 – 71.2024.