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Vilhelmiina Sinervo selected for the 2023 German Contemporary Circus Residency

To sustain the genre of contemporary circus within the international exchange the Finnland-Institut in Berlin, Circus & Dance Info Finland and BUZZ (Bundesverband Zeitgenössischer Zirkus e.V.) are hosting in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut (Theatre/Dance department of the Goethe-Institut headquarters in Munich and Goethe-Institut Helsinki) a research residency in Germany for a Finland based circus maker.

From the applications received for the open call, the jury selected Vilhelmiina Sinervo to take part in the residency period from mid May till end of June 2023. The Jury consisted of: Geordie Brookman (Chamäleon), Berndt Belschner (Tollhaus), Valentina Barone & Tim Behren (CircusDanceFestival) and  Lotta Nevalainen (Circus & Dance Info Finland). Vilhelmiina plans to use the residency period to work on her “Tonton”-project, which is an extension of her previous solo show “Life After”. During her stay in Cologne, Karlsruhe, Munich and Berlin she will meet up with German artists in Roundtable Discussions and get in touch with circus venues and institutions.

Vilhelmiina Sinervo is a Finnish circus artist who specializes in slack rope, object manipulation, dance and acrobatie. She has graduated from Académie Fratellini (2017) with slack rope as her main discipline and from Turku Arts Academy as circus teacher (2015).

After graduation Vilhelmiina has been working in touring Lexicon-show with NoFit State Circus (Wales) and Cabaret Décadent in Cirque Electrique (France). She established VILUS in 2018 to work on her own artistic projects. Vilhelmiina is also a member of the Finnish circus company Agit-Cirk and Teatteri Telakka, which is a theatre company in Tampere, Finland.